Supporting English-related teaching and learning at all levels

NAAE Directory

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NAAE is the only professional association exclusively for those who provide advice, support and training across the whole field of English and literacy education. It exists to serve, develop and extend the professional interests of members. We believe that standards and quality in education can be improved through research-based advice, support, training and monitoring. Our members aim to make positive and significant contributions to the improvement of English-related learning and teaching in the UK and beyond.


What we do

We recognise that many English professionals are working in isolation without secure networks to share and evaluate research, practice and reflection on public policy. We also recognise that many colleagues feel that they do not have a collective voice to make representation to national decision-makers. NAAE membership provides forums for networking, opportunities to engage with researchers and educationalists, and representation at government level.



NAAE welcomes all those with an advisory interest in English, Literacy, Drama and Media education:

  • Local Authority advisers, inspectors and consultants
  • Independent advisers and consultants
  • Lecturers in Higher Education particularly those working on initial teacher education courses
  • School-based middle and senior leaders involved in the development of English/Literacy
  • Trainers and curriculum leaders in Multi-Academy Trusts and Teaching Schools.
  • Publishers, broadcasters and all those involved in all forms of media education


Membership of NAAE offers:

  • regional and national networks of professional contact;
  • free events for members and their guests
  • information and updates on developments in English;
  • a link with government, national agencies, Ofsted, examination boards and other professional bodies;
  • an outlet for any concerns of the membership;
  • a professional voice in the media;
  • inclusion in the NAAE Directory of English advisory professionals